Semi Annual St. Bernard Seafood Festival
Hey y’all! It’s been a long time since I’ve written a post and so much has happened! Collin and I actually started a YouTube channel titled the same as my blog! (nolartsy 😉) if you haven’t checked it out, please do!
Everyone knows that Louisiana is Sportsman’s Paradise, but did you know that Delacroix Island is Fisherman’s Paradise? Recently, we went down to the end of the world and had some delicious boiled shrimp and fixin’s for brunch during St. Bernard’s Semi Annual Seafood Festival. This festival was so cool! The fisherman back their boats up to the dock and sell shrimp, crabs, oysters, fish or whatever they caught directly to the public. Most of the time this type of commerce isn’t allowed, but they made an exception for this event. They even had some local vendors selling produce and sweets!
They had the music blaring, good food and lots of seafood out there. We even ran into some friends! It’s a small parish after all. If you want to see more about our day and about how we went down to the Hurricane Katrina Memorial, click this link: